Nippon Steel’s Sustainability Materiality and KPIs
Concerning initiatives in sustainability materiality, Nippon Steel steadily promotes their execution and follow-up by checking the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to assess outcome, and strives to contribute to sustainable social development, as well as maintenance and improvement of our corporate value.
Materiality KPIs and status of major initiatives
1. Safety, environment, and disaster prevention
(1)Safety and health
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Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in 2022 | |
1) Promotion of climate change measures
- Promotion of the Carbon Neutral Vision 2050
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Target and KPI Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 - Target in 2030: 30% reduction in CO2 emissions
(compared to 2013) - Vision for 2050: Carbon neutral
- Launched a new comprehensive brand, NSCarbolexTM, to offer “high-performance products and solutions that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions across society” in the global market.
- [Reduction with hydrogen in blast furnaces (BFs)] Decided to introduce facilities to demonstrate hydrogen-rich gas injection technology at the No. 2 blast furnace in the East Nippon Works Kimitsu Area, in preparation for the demonstration tests scheduled to start in January 2026.
- [High-grade steel production in large size electric arc furnace (EAFs)] Started the commercial operation of a new electric arc furnace in the Setouchi Works Hirohata Area. Started full-scale studies on the shift from the blast furnace steelmaking process to the electric arc furnace steelmaking process, with the Kyushu Works Yawata Area and the Setouchi Works Hirohata Area as candidate sites.
- [CCUS] Participated in three advanced CCS projects led by the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC).
- Target in 2030: 30% reduction in CO2 emissions
- Contribution by “Three Ecos”
- Implementation of “Eco Process”
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Target and KPI Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 - Maintaining high-level effective use of energy
- Effective use of by-product gas (coke oven gas, blast furnace gas etc.) and waste heat
- Use of byproduct gas: 100%
- Use of waste heat in steam generation: 76%
- In-house generated energy use in in-house power generation: 72%
- Promotion of adopting advanced energy-saving technology
- Adoption of high-efficiency power generation equipment and oxygen plant; regeneration burner in reheating furnace
- Investment cost for energy-saving: ¥37.4 bn
- Enhancement of “Eco Products”
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Target and KPI Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 - Supply of high-performance steel products to help reduce CO2 emissions through use of their end products
- Decided to make an additional investment to increase the production capacity of high-grade non-oriented electrical steel sheets at the Setouchi Works Hanshin Area (Sakai) and the Kyushu Works Yawata Area (90 billion yen, a cumulative total of 213 billion yen).
- Expansion of products that acquire the EcoLeaf environmental labels (Increased by 12 from the previous year to a total of 47)
- Contribute with “Eco Solutions”
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Target and KPI Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 (including some results in FY2020) - Transfer and dissemination of the world-leading energy-saving technology to help CO2 emission reduction globally
- Growing cumulative CDQ delivery record by Nippon Steel Engineering in the Group
- 137 CDQ cumulative units
(contributing to 28.73 mn t-CO2 reduction, FY2021)
- Implementation of “Eco Process”
2) Contribution to creation of a circular economy
- Realization of zero emissions within the company
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Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
- Realization of recycling of waste generated in society
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3) Conservation of biodiversity and nature positive
- Contribution to the conservation of biodiversity and nature positive
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
4) Promotion of environmental risk management
- Air environment preservation
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
- Water environment preservation
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(3) Disaster prevention
- Elimination of disaster risks and group-wide sharing of effective measures
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in 2022 | |
(1) Quality control and guarantee
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 |
(2) Research and development and intellectual property investment/utilization
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
(3) Solution that result in customer satisfaction
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
(1) Stable production and supply
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 |
4.Human resources, and diversity & inclusion
(1) Respect for human rights
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
(2) Diversity & inclusion
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
(3) Human resource development
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
5. Together with local communities
(1) Environmental preservation/creation activities in communities
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
(2) Activities mainly in the support of education, sports, and arts
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
6. Corporate value enhancement and profit distribution
(1) Securing of profit and enhancement of corporate value
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2022 | |
Please see the 11-Year Financial Performance section of Nippon Steel’s(6MB) |
(2) Profit distribution
Target and KPI | Main Initiatives and Achievements in FY2021 | |
1) Salary and wages payment to employees
Please see the following: Fact Book: Wages and Bonuses “11-Year Financial Performance section of Nippon Steel’s”(6MB) |
2) Appropriate tax payment
3) Dividend payment to shareholders
Note: Target consolidated payout ratio: around 30% (FY2025 management plan) |
Thorough implementation of compliance
Adhering to laws and regulations as a base of all activities
Please see the Corporate Governance section of Nippon Steel’s