Participation in community projects
Nippon Steel has steelworks in various parts of Japan and highly values its partnerships with local communities.
In addition to environmental preservation activities tailored to the characteristics of each region, we actively foster environment-related activities with local residents.
Support to cultural and sport activities is another way we actively contribute to local communities.
East Nippon Works Kashima Area
Participate in cleaning of the beach in Kashima City
Jointly with Kashima City, employees at the East Nippon Works Kashima Area clean the beach before the swimming season. This program began in 1984. In addition to over 2,000 local residents, about 900 people from East Nippon Works Kashima Area and affiliates join the event to care for the local environment.
Kansai Works Wakayama Area
Participating in the “Company Forest”
Kansai Works Wakayama Area is participating in the “Company Forest” program for preservation of forest environments in Wakayama Prefecture. This program involves tree-planting and other volunteer work with the aim of preserving Wakayama's natural environment by maintaining local forests.
At a 2.52 hectare privately-owned forest we have borrowed in Nakahechi-cho, Tanabe-shi, a project named “Nippon Steel Forest” calls for planting and cultivating approximately 5,000 broad-leaf trees. Daily maintenance is entrusted to the Nakahechi-cho Forest Cooperative, while our employees participate in works such as underbrush cutting.
Cleaning of Isonoura beach
Kansai Works Wakayama Area, together with related companies, participate in cleaning the Isonoura beach before the summer swimming season. As local citizens, we also participate in clean-up activities hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, members of the community, and Wakayama City, and cooperate to beautify the environment as a part of awareness-building among employees on service and the environment, and in the spirit of expressing our gratitude for the local environment.
Kansai Works Amagasaki Area
Participating in the Amagasaki 21st Century Forests Project
In agreement with the objective of Hyogo Prefecture and Amagasaki City that it is vital that “urban development co-exists with the environment where people can enjoy the comfort that comes with living in a natural environment among water and greenery,” Kansai Works Amagasaki Area is working at increasing greenery within its grounds and received the first award of the Amagasaki 21st Century Forests Project in July 2009.
Participation in ecological preservation activities in the community
Since 2012, the Nagoya Works of Nippon Steel has participated in the Inochi-wo-Tsunagu (Life Sustaining) Project, which consists of the students’ planning committee, 11 companies, Eco-Asset Consortium and Japan Ecologist Association of Support (NPO). This project seeks to develop an ecosystem network to links green areas at each company site and vicinity. To thereby increase the potential of the linked areas, an animal pathway was established and a fixed-point observation camera has recorded raccoons coming and going through the pathway. The project also included experience-based activities, including corporate greenery visits, fun-filled learning events for families, and craft-making events.
Being highly evaluated 1) as a community-building, corporate- government –student alliance, 2) for its creation of an ecosystem network in multiple companies’ extensive, combined greenery space, and 3) as a model suitable for use elsewhere, the project has received the 46th Environment Award (Special Jury Award), co-sponsored by National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun newspaper, and supported by the Ministry of the Environment.
Nippon Steel Logistics Co., Ltd.
Unabara Volunteer Group
In 1975 Nippon Steel Logistics began to contribute to the local community under the policy of “beautifying the environment to create a bright society.” Since then, the Unabara Volunteer Group has conducted a clean-up campaign within the city once a month for over 30 years and its efforts are highly regarded. The group received the Environmental Award of Wakayama Prefecture in 2002.