Sumitomo Metals Announces Effects of the Earthquake
on Kashima Steelworks and its Responses


  • Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.

We extend deepest condolences to people who have suffered from the earthquake,

which struck northeastern Japan on March 11. The Sumitomo Metals Group intends to

work hard for production recovery of Kashima Steelworks, and to help and support

reconstruction of the affected regions. We are also grateful for the sympathy extended

to us by our business partners, communities, administrative bodies, and other parties.

The Sumitomo Metals Group’s steelworks and manufacturing facilities are all operating

normally with the exception of Kashima Steelworks, where the entire production lines

have been suspended. The earthquake damages have been confirmed mainly at the

port facilities and upstream manufacturing facilities, and only slightly at the buildings

within the steelworks.

Details of the major damages are as follows:
・Damage to the quay and the quay cranes
・Damage to the coke gas holders by fire
・Damage to the auxiliary facilities of the coke oven and the loosened gas tubes
・Damage to the auxiliary facilities of the blast furnace

The Sumitomo Metal Group intends to focus all its resources on the early restart of the

damaged facilities.

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