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× Form, × Design

IG Kogyo Co., Ltd. — Interior and exterior finishing materials

Interior and exterior finishing materials



Transcends time

Seawater-resistant and completely corrosion-resistant, light, strong and environmentally-friendly

Beautiful and versatile

Color × Texture

Offering interior and exterior finishing materials
using designing titanium TranTixxii as a base material

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Titanium metal is a material that has high strength and has excellent corrosion and heat resistance but is hard to smelt or machine. To overcome this challenge, Xium-TITAN, which is an interior and exterior finishing material having a tasteful texture and stereoscopic form, has been developed in collaboration with KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN. This, made of titanium metal, offers something very extraordinary. Xium-TITAN is an unprecedented product of an entirely new category.

アイジー工業株式会社×日本製鉄のデザイニングチタン“TranTixxii” [トランティクシー]によるコラボレーション「内外装仕上げ材」

Xium-TITAN offers a stylish form combining inclined flat surfaces, which gives delicate shading and luster with texture that changes depending on the installation direction of the panel and the incidence angle of sunlight. Depending on what the creators (designer and client) imagine, Xium-TITAN offers unique walls of either western or Japanese style.

アイジー工業株式会社×日本製鉄のデザイニングチタン“TranTixxii” [トランティクシー]によるコラボレーション「内外装仕上げ材」
アイジー工業株式会社×日本製鉄のデザイニングチタン“TranTixxii” [トランティクシー]によるコラボレーション「内外装仕上げ材」

IG Kogyo Co., Ltd.

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