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Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.—Decorative ridge-end tiles

Decorative ridge-end tiles



Transcends time

Seawater-resistant and completely corrosion-resistant, light, strong and environmentally-friendly

Beautiful and versatile

Color × Texture

Offering decorative ridge-end tiles
using the designing titanium TranTixxii

Amarume decorative ridge-end tiles

Decorative ridge-end tiles are generally made by hand. They are extremely durable and highly regarded for their aesthetic that expresses traditional Japanese construction.

Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii” Decorative ridge-end tiles

Fixed gradient ridge-end tile

Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii” Decorative ridge-end tiles
  • ●Dimensions that change with gradient
  • *Total height (D)-Becomes higher with a sharper gradient
  • *Foot length (E)---Becomes longer with a sharper gradient
  • ●Dimensions that do not change with gradient
  • *Head width (A)
  • *Height from the tip of the roof (B)
  • *Total width (C)

Products are manufactured according to the gradient that you specify. Furthermore, as all steps are done by hand, each product features subtle characteristics that can only be found in handmade products. These lovingly made tiles only become more impressive with age.

Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii”  Decorative ridge-end tiles Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii”  Decorative ridge-end tiles

Free gradient ridge-end tiles

Roof slopes can vary from steep to gentle, and free gradient ridge-end tiles are a decorative option that can be efficiently installed on roofs with any type of gradient. The beautiful shape of the ridge-end tiles does not change, no matter the roof gradient.

Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii”  Decorative ridge-end tiles Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii”  Decorative ridge-end tiles
Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.דTranTixxii”  Decorative ridge-end tiles

Amarume Crafts Co., Ltd.

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