- NSCarbolex Solution
What is NSCarbolex™ Solution?— Advanced products and solution technologies that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in society —
Nippon Steel contributes to reduce CO2 emissions in society by offering our products and solution technologies, in addition to reducing CO2 emissions in our own manufacturing processes.
Nippon Steel will make even greater contributions to reducing CO2 emissions of customers and society by systematizing these advanced products and technical solutions under the NSCarbolex Solution brand, making efforts and providing information to be more useful than ever to our customers, and expanding our lineup through further development of products and technologies.
Three values provided by NSCarbolex™ Solution
Number 1Reducing CO2 emissions in customer manufacturing processes
Perspective 1. Reducing CO2 emissions in customer manufacturing processes
NSCarbolex Solution helps to reduce CO2 emissions from customer manufacturing processes by reducing process steps, shortening work periods, and realizing other improvements in customer manufacturing processes*.
*Including secondary processing
Perspective 2. Reducing CO2 emissions attributable to materials
Approaches such as higher strength materials, and proposal of methods and designs, enable reduction of material usage per product and switching from other materials with high CO2 emissions, and this helps to reduce CO2 emissions stemming from materials in customer products.
*Even greater reduction in CO2 emissions can be achieved by combining with NSCarbolex Neutral.
Number 2Reducing CO2 emissions when customer products are used in society
We help reduce CO2 emissions over the entire life cycle of customer products through improvements like greater energy conservation by customer products, and longer product maintenance cycles.
Number 3Contributing to the energy transition of society
Nippon Steel contributes to the energy transition of society by providing advanced products and technical solutions necessary for disseminating renewable energy such as solar, wind, and geothermal, realizing a hydrogen society, and otherwise promoting growth of clean energy.
Expamles of NSCarbolex Solution
— Areas of contribution —
- CO2 emission reduction in the product manuffacturing process
- Reduction of CO2 emissions in product use... and so on
Steel for high strength gear
Zinc-nickel alloy electroplated steel sheet with hairline suface finish
— Areas of contribution —
- Energy transition in society
- Saving energy in power transmission and distribution ... and so on
Ultla low temperature steel for LNG tanks
Stainless steel for
hydrogen environments
High-alloy oil country
tubular goods
— Areas of contribution —
- Reduction of CO2 emissions during construction
- Enhancement of railroad transport energy efficiency ... and so on
Ultra-large H-shape steel with fixed outer dimensions
High-speed train wheels and axles
Designing Titanium
High-efficiency electrical steel sheets
High corrosion resistant coated steel sheetZEXEED™