Oct. 18, 2022
Nippon Steel Corporation
Nippon Steel Corporation has been selected to receive the 2022 Award for Excellence in Corporate Disclosure in the Steel/Non Ferrous Metal Industry, sponsored by the Securities Analysts Association of Japan (SAAJ), for three consecutive years. This year, in addition to the evaluation in competition with others in the steel and non-ferrous metal industry, we received the Award for Excellence in Disclosure to Individual Investors, for which all eligible companies are evaluated.
The SAAJ has established objective review criteria to determine the relative excellence of companies' disclosure based on the quality, quantity, timing, and other factors related to disclosure. On this basis, the SAAJ has created the Awards for Excellence in Corporate Disclosure for the purpose of promoting and improving companies' information disclosure and has given the award to selected companies annually since 1995. Awards are made in three categories: specific industries, emerging market companies, and disclosure to individual investors. In fiscal 2022, a total of 300 companies in 18 industries were screened for the industry awards. For the category of disclosure to individual investors, 30 companies were the candidates selected companies in the industry-specific category and the emerging market stocks category, of which Nippon Steel took first prize.
In the selection by industry, Nippon Steel received the highest evaluation for the criterion of "IR attitudes of management, etc." Comments from the participating analysts include: "the top management is actively engaged in sending out information and conveys strong messages"; "communication with investors is well established and the direction of the company is clearly indicated"; and "human resources are substantially allocated to the IR department, and that high-level discussions can be conducted regarding the direction of the company concerning the management, ESG, and other matters". As for ESG-related matters, we were highly evaluated for our efforts to disseminate information on such topics as decarbonization and DX, ahead of other companies, and for the fact that we, as a large influential company, have presented concrete action plans by identifying problems from a multifaceted perspective.
With regard to the disclosure to individual investors, we were awarded with high remarks for such as the business overview briefing, which is easy to understand and full of content, and for the videos posted for each item, which are easy to use.
Nippon Steel intends to further enhance timely, appropriate, and fair information disclosure and constructive dialogue, and meets the expectations of all stakeholders, in order to achieve sustainable growth and mid- to long-term improvement in our corporate value.